We’ve arrived back in the States and are getting adjusted to all the changes; driving on the other side of the road, great cheap food, huge servings, and free refill drinks! The avalanche of big box stores carrying everything you need and a whole lot that you don’t all for ridiculously low prices. When we were in Townsville, we were in survival mode and didn’t spend a lot of time looking at ads or wondering what we could buy next because we couldn’t really afford much and it wasn’t a necessity, now that we’re back the temptation to buy everything in sight is constant but the fact that we have to cart everything we own around in our van and trailer is a great deterrent to covetousness. It’s been a bittersweet time being back. Our hearts burn to be back in Australia serving God and we have a very real sense of unfinished business in our spirit. It’s wonderful to see our family and friends and to visit familiar churches and neighborhoods but it’s also very difficult to leave such a loving group of friends in Townsville and our adopted country. Whether it was leaving Pt. Loma to plant CCForks, or leaving Forks to answer God’s call in Australia, departing is always tough. We are consoled by Facebook, Skype, and email knowing that we can all stay in-touch more conveniently than ever before but the distance is still hard. Upon our return we’ve had many conversations with family and friends and each time three questions understandably arise which, come to think of it, parallels what Jesus tells John in the book of Revelation, Chapter 1: 19. “Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.” So I’ll try to answer them in this order.
What we have seen:
Here are some short thoughts that I hope will communicate some of the multiplicity of lessons we’ve learned over this year, some are new while others serve to refresh our memories of timeless truths. Our God is a big God, a loving Father, and always faithful even when we’re faithless. He’s incredibly patient, full of grace, and merciful. In the same way that He shows grace toward us as individual Christians, He likewise shows it to organizations that are sincerely trying to serve Him. It’s okay to be a little demonstrative in worship, God is generous by nature and blesses our free generosity. God speaks in many different ways and He wants us to listen and obey His voice and not walk in presumption. God is as real and powerful in Papua New Guinea, as in Australia, as in the States and His church is equally warm and loving throughout the world. We should always act in faith, not in fear. Though the weather may turn deadly, though the funds seem to be running out, though things aren’t working out like you planned or thought they would, though deadly snakes slither through your yard (and sometimes your living room), though mozzies are sucking your blood and potentially giving you lifelong diseases, though allergies seem to attack relentlessly, the kids are coming down with various strange, and persistent tropical afflictions (worms, lice, staph, etc), though homeschooling is much more difficult, and generally everything seems foreign and not quite comfortable, God calls us to walk in faith and not in fear.
The things which are:
Currently, I’m writing this update from Bend, Oregon where we’ve been preparing to attend a wedding of a dear friend. It’s been about a month since we’ve flown into Los Angeles and we’ve been staying with friends and family in L.A., San Diego, and even attended both the week long National Calvary Chapel Pastors’ Conference and two day’s of lectures at the Murrieta Conference Center’s church planting symposium called “Fit for the Field”. From there we headed up to Lemoore, Ca. and then on up to Mariposa for a few days to visit a friend and for Cameron’s induction into the “Grizzly Hall of Fame” for her many undefeated seasons playing volleyball at the local high school. Next, it was up to Redding for a quick overnight and then on up to Bend, Oregon for the wedding. Throughout our trip the Lord has been opening doors of ministry both with those who’re putting us up (or putting up with us, as the case may be) and with random people who He brings along our path to encourage, pray for, or just to tell our story to. It’s awesome to see that we’re as much missionaries here and now as we were overseas. Having driven this trip many times we’re beginning to make a list of sights that we really want to see and this time it is Crater Lake National Park. Though I had doubts about the van’s ability to make the journey successfully, it powered up the hill without any problems but to our dismay the clouds had socked in the mountain making it impossible to see anything but the aged snow on either side of the road. Not to worry though, we’ll be backtracking on our way to our family reunion near Grants Pass and will probably see the Park in all its splendor on Sunday. We’re looking forward to next week’s reunion on the Rogue River and then traveling north to Washington State. Once there, we intend to visit family and friends while at the same time giving updates at various churches that have been faithfully supporting us or new ones who’ve shown some interest in our mission and would like us to share our vision for Australia.
The things which shall be hereafter:
The future is bright for our family as we have many options before us to pray over and choose. Ultimately, I’m certain that it’s not about what looks like the best and most beneficial option, but what God is leading us to. We’re convinced that He’s got more work for us Down Under and we are positioning ourselves to be ready to answer that call as soon as the visa is secured and plane tickets bought. When that is exactly remains to be seen and is the topic of much conversation and mind space. We’re in contact with various Calvary Chapel ministry leaders both in the States and in Australia and are trying to be creative so as to be open to any possible way into the country but so far we haven’t come up with anything specific. This is where our family is focusing our attention through prayer, study, and generally seeking the Lord while waiting on and trusting in Him for direction and provision…He is faithful and will show us the next step.
Safe travels for the remainder of our road trip
Clear direction to secure a visa
Direction for what to do in the mean time
Continued persistence in home schooling
Jeremy’s Mom’s health
Praises…too many to list!
A wonderful send off from our loving friends in Townsville
Safe and easy travel overseas
Great times spent with family and friends
Taxes completed!
Van and trailer gifted back to us
Family’s healthy, God’s provided perfectly…We’re so blessed!