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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Joshua 1

The Lord’s had me in the book of Joshua the last couple of weeks and has been giving me insight into our calling and current position. We’ve been in the first six chapters so far in our Sunday morning study with Pastor Hans from Calvary Chapel Sequim. Hans has been giving most of the studies but one Sunday a month he’s had me up there giving a teaching on what the Lord’s been speaking to me on the same references, sort of allowing for a different angle on the same story. So my first message was on chapter one where I gave a character lesson on Joshua and emphasized his apparent growing spirituality as he witnessed God’s power in Egypt, then served as Moses’ assistant, eventually receiving the anointing to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. I especially love what it says in verse eleven of Exodus chapter thirty-three, that when Moses left his tent to go into the congregation of the Israelites, Joshua stayed there because that was where God was. It’s such a sweet verse that I feel, shows Joshua’s heart for God in how he was content to be where He was, much like the story of Mary and Martha in the final verses of Luke ten. Undoubtedly, he was a man of amazing faith which translated into great boldness in his calling. He was not perfect by any means, a blessing because we can relate so much more to him as a result, but his heart’s desire was to please the Lord and he did so by careful obedience. It’s such a wonderful example to us as we are likewise being called into a very important and possibly dangerous endeavor. Later on in the study I felt that verses eight and nine were the crux of the passage and this brought about the application:

  1. “Do not Fear”…Believe: Fear is a result of doubt…We’re calling into question God’s love and good purpose for us…So to do the opposite is to Believe/Trust in God…To be courageous.
  2. “Stay in the Word” & Meditate: Heb. Haga…To moan, growl, utter, muse, mutter, meditate, devise, plot, speak, imagine
  3. “Be Obedient”…Do what it says, Act on the convictions of the Holy Spirit!

I love what it says in verse ten, “Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people…” He heard what God said, believed it, and stepped into what He called him to without hesitation and with certain boldness. May we do the same!

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