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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aubry wanted to say something too…

I have had a great time in Australia so far. It is very silly that we live so close to the ocean but we haven’t gone there yet. I was hoping for some pets when we first got here. There was an old bath tub outside in the yard full of mucky disgusting water, the perfect place for Mozzy’s to breed. So, my Dad dumped most of it out. I was amazed one morning, when I looked at the water and thought I saw tadpoles, but they turned out to be fish! Mom and Dad found an aquarium at the thrift shop and decided to buy it for the family. Though the biggest fish didn’t live, Ryan and I found three baby fish left in the water and put them into their new home. Two of the fish follow one another around like best buddies. So, now we have some pets!
I just met a new friend named Anna and our family’s been going to her church. She is an Australian and uses words I don’t know sometimes. She has a very cool personality and likes joking around a lot. She’s eight years old and doesn’t have any brothers or sisters but has two cute puppy dogs named Rose and Cushion. She also lives just a few blocks away so we can walk there when I have a play day. I made another friend named Emily who is visiting from Hawaii and will be leaving in a few days. She’s seven but acts more like a nine year old so I’m pretty glad about that. She has two cool younger brothers that Sean likes to play with.
My favorite thing to do during the week is driving in our new bus. It has twelve seats and Mom and Dad are just learning how to drive it because they have to stay on the left-hand side of the road and the gear shift is on the steering wheel and they have to shift with their left hand.
We’re so happy now that we have a better washing machine since the old one used to travel right out of the laundry room. Peggy has been a great nanny for us and is constantly blessing us by hanging up our clothes to dry (we don’t have a dryer) and doing the dishes and other household chores.
Home schooling is not so fun but if I want to learn I must do it. Mom likes to read awesome books to us, like The Twenty-One Balloons and Helen Keller. My favorite subject is Math-u-see.
Mythbusters is about to start so remember, God made you special and He loves you very much…Goodbye!

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